Monday, November 3, 2008

A dalmatian & a fire hydrant

Pumpkin Night!

Mia did not want to stick her hands in to help clean out the pumpkin. She gets that from her Mom.
Helping Papa carry the very heavy pumpkin
Watch and learn

The dog that Mia wanted on her pumpkin. Luckily I found a stencil online that wasn't too intricate.

Carving station

Still at it!

Getting closer to being done.

She decided the Toys R Us toy catalog was more interesting after a while.

My favorite Dalmatian. Completely made from scratch.
Wagging her tail!

My fire hydrant.

Taking himself apart.

Off they go!
Back home all smiles
organizing her candy

2 of our 3 pumpkins


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, how cute! I love inanimate objects as costumes, i was a stop light one year:) Mia as a dalmation w/ her little bro as the hydrant, what a riot! that'll be hard to out do next year!

Maiasaura said...

the costumes looked great! they look so happy; i bet they had tons of fun.

Sarah Jackson said...

Ok, I totally thought that I had left you a comment on this. Apparently I did not so.... OH MY GOSH!!! Those outfits are so perfect!!! I actually pulled your blog up at work and showed everyone I was working with that night how cute your kids are. I LOVE THEM!! Great work! And the pumpkins look phenom:)