Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dinner for 3

Tonight was a night like most of the rest... except for dinner. I made one dinner and we all sat down together (except Matt, he was at work) and ate the same thing. It might not seem like a big deal but it was really nice. I made spaghetti and some carrots. Not exciting but stuff that I knew Mia and Dane could/ would eat. I am a firm believer in making 1 dinner and that's what there is, if you don't like it you will probably wake up really hungry in the morning. And you won't get any treats later. I try and not cater to Mia's wants, then make myself something else and of course Dane usually eats baby food. He has been fussing a lot about his baby food but put something on his tray that he can pick up and he loves it. So I just decided to see how it would go tonight and it was so nice. Sometimes it really is the simple things that put a smile on my face (and the thought of not having to stock pile baby food is pretty nice on the grocery bill too!)

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