Thursday, October 30, 2008

new ways

As you do something over and over you find a better, more efficient way of doing it. So, as I have been sewing away this week that has happened to me. Of course, I started with the front of the costume, never a good idea. You should do the front last so that by the time you get to it your technique is perfected. Oh well. I am quite happy with how Mia's turned out and can't wait to try it all on and see the finished product. Dane's I made totally off the top of my head, no pattern or picture guidance involved. Having said that, I hope other people can tell what he is. I totally see it, but then I am his mom. The camera battery is charging right now so it will be ready for lots of pictures later. Happy Halloween everyone!

1 comment:

Mrs. Hany said...

ummmm, pictures please!!!!