Monday, June 30, 2008


Well, this weekend we worked a lot on the house. Just cleaning and reorganizing room by room. I feel like we made a lot of progress but my list is still pretty long. Some of the things we rearranged we thought, why didn't we do this a long time ago? Other rooms look so empty but big now. I guess it's just the way it goes.

Dane does not stay still for 2 seconds! He is crawling anywhere he can and if there is something he can pull himself up on, he does! Mia is developing quite an imagination. Today the kids were playing sharks! And one of Mia's favorite games is Ring-Around-The-Rosy. My favorite game to watch her play is Hide-n-Seek with Matt. When she hides, Matt counts to 10. Then says, "Ready or not, here I come." This brings Mia laughing and giggling out of her hiding spot and running to Matt. It just never gets old watching it.

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