Our Mia-Mia is officially 3! She's getting so big and smarter by the day. I can hardly wait to see what she accomplishes in the 3 years of her life. But I wouldn't mind if they went a little slower.
Her Tinkerbell cake (decorated by Kara~Thanks!)

We shut off the lights when we brought in the cake. Then everyone started singing. Mia burst into tears. She does not like everyone singing to her and I think the light put her over the edge. She didn't even want to blow out her candles after that!

Her 1st redbird
She didn't want to wait to take it out of the box. Must play with computer NOW!
Keegan, Mia, and Karagan playing with the computer, out of the box.

Happy Birthday Mia!!!!
That cake is so cute! Like a giant cupcake!
Simon also hates The Dreaded Birthday Song. We've had many tears at that moment over the years. He also sometimes tries to prevent the song from being sung at other people's parties. It's getting better now that he's five, but he's still not a fan. What is it about that song? I've heard similar stories about several kids.
Happy b-day big girl!!! Grace has that exact computer, it is great!!! It is also great for car rides!
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