Monday, November 10, 2008

New do!

Well I finally did it. I got my hair cut. I have been talking about it for a long time, years in fact. Matt has wanted me to do it. I'm pretty sure he was tired of finding it everywhere. So last Friday I got it all cut off. Now I am not one of those people who is really obsessed with my hair or even very particular about it. But even this was a big thing for me. I was back and forth until she started cutting it and once she did. I was fine with it. Guess it was just time for a change. Matt stopped in to have me sign something and was a little surprised to see all my hair on the floor but he recovered nicely. I didn't tell anyone, just did it. Guess that's me. Here's a pic I took on my phone. Not the best but you get the basic look.


Sarah Jackson said...

You look beautiful!! I love it:) (I loved it long too, though.) You look great no matter what!! YAY for you and your new do!!

Megan said...


Nick and Erin said...

It looks it!

Mrs. Hany said...

SO cute!!!! I am going to donate my hair in a few weeks (12 inches), I may need a hand to hold and someone to wipe my tears!!! Is the front a little longer than the back? It looks very good on you!!

Megan said...

i was going to donate it but it wasn't quite long enough. I am totally up for hand holding! just a little longer in front with a few layers in back.

Anonymous said...

Love it! You are much braver than I am, no guts here to cut my long hair! You look beautiful!