All bundled up and ready to play all day!
Couldn't wait to get his new tractor out
Does this mean they are spending too much time together
Sporting some Christmas presents and loving it
Getting ready to go downstairs Christmas morning
The birthday princess (Papa picked out the princess dress for her!)
A fitting cake made my Mommy
This year is going to be a busy one and full of love! I am excited to get back into the swing of things after the nonstop birthday/ Christmas season is coming to a close at our house. Santa was a hit this year with all the kids except Dane, he didn't even want to be in the same room as him.
It was wonderful to be with the fam. Mia just turned 4 and i can't believe it. She is princess-Barbie girl all the way. Dane is commonly referred to in our family as 'No-Dane.' And my dad asked why whenever Dane is in trouble we feel the need to use his name along with it (Dane Blair!). Just one of the perks of having a grandson named after you. My parents have completely spoiled my kids. I love seeing my dad follow the every command of a 2 & 4 year old. Even if it makes me a little crazy because they tend to not listen once we get home and mommy has rules again. Guess that is just one of the joys of being a grandparent! Matt and I went out for New Years with some friends and it was nice to do an adult dinner to start the new year.
I am doing well, if by well you mean getting big! My first 2 pregnancies were totally different and this one is totally different than the 1st two times. So i have no idea what we are having! I feel like i eat all the time and sweets are my weakness. I am happy to see the Christmas goodies disappear finally.
I am getting my projects around the house all lined up and ready to go. Painting, organizing, all the stuff that is hard to do now but I know won't happen once the baby arrives. Last week I got a good chunk of toys organized and put away. Even got rid of a few things (Mia didn't seem to mind and is bugging me to get the basement organized too! Sometimes i think she is really 40 and not 4.) I am holding off on getting the sewing machine out since it tends to be addicting. But I will not doubt be making some new dresses for Mia-Mia before too long.