Friday, February 27, 2009

Catch up time

I can't believe that it has been so long since i was on here. Well February was pretty busy. We went to a lot of volleyball games, my sisters stayed with us for a weekend and just life in general kept us moving. I had surgery on my wrist and can't wait for the darn splint to come off (just a few more days). You never realize how many things require 2 hands when you are a mommy. I have taken a little break from sewing but plan on jumping right back into it next week.

We managed to get some fresh air this week and really enjoyed being outside. It was nice to get out a different set of toys for a bit. Mia worked on her new scooter. She must get that from Papa Hartnett. And Dane just wanted to get into everything and get out all the balls he could find in the garage.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Spring yet?

This past Saturday was so nice! We played outside for a bit then headed over to the Smicks' for a baby shower. The guys stayed outside, safe from all the baby stuff going on inside. They played a little basketball, it was like watching them back in the day. It was a little weird when i realized that I had known the guys the longest out of everyone there. But it was great to see them all again and be able to enjoy a little fresh air. Now the problem is I had a taste of spring and nice weather, I am really done with winter.

Dane has been showing a lot of interest in using the potty. I wasn't planning on working on that until we got back from Easter vacation but I guess if he's interested I should go with it.

I thought up some new things to sew and hopefully will get to a couple this week. Dane might actually get something too! I found this blog that looks full of fun ideas/ crafts that kind of thing. To all you mommies out there: check it out if you are looking for something new to try.

Oh and one more thing, I can't find my video camera charger. It is making me crazy. I can remember seeing it and thinking what is this for, then I can't remember what I did with it. Of course there are a bunch of things I want to record before the kids stop doing them! Mommy brain strikes again.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

orders backing up

Ok, well not really but I did finish Mia's dress. It was nice and easy to do and turned out slightly better then expected. I think I will draw up a few other designs/ patterns and see where it gets me.

Dane has a new favorite chore around the house. Just put the pile you want loaded at his feet and in it goes!

Mia always there to supervise

Meanwhile Mia and Dane have been playing in my closet a lot lately. It's fine I am in the bedroom usually cleaning up another toy disaster zone while they play. Today I went in to check on them and this is what I found. Matt had taken the morning off so he was there to see his son all dressed up compliments of his sister. I don't think that Matt thought it was as funny as I did. Dane was happy as a lark strutting around in 2 swimsuit pieces and 1 shoe.