Well, this weekend we worked a lot on the house. Just cleaning and reorganizing room by room. I feel like we made a lot of progress but my list is still pretty long. Some of the things we rearranged we thought, why didn't we do this a long time ago? Other rooms look so empty but big now. I guess it's just the way it goes.
Dane does not stay still for 2 seconds! He is crawling anywhere he can and if there is something he can pull himself up on, he does! Mia is developing quite an imagination. Today the kids were playing sharks! And one of Mia's favorite games is Ring-Around-The-Rosy. My favorite game to watch her play is Hide-n-Seek with Matt. When she hides, Matt counts to 10. Then says, "Ready or not, here I come." This brings Mia laughing and giggling out of her hiding spot and running to Matt. It just never gets old watching it.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dane has 2 new teeth on the top. So that takes the count up to 4! He has the 2 middle ones on the bottom and then the 2 on top are the ones on either side of his front teeth. His smile should be pretty interesting in a few weeks if those front 2 teeth don't come in soon!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Big news
we finally got the official word....we are moving back to IL!! Matt will be working in Morton. We are really excited to be closer to the fam. At the same time we are leaving a great place and some wonderful friends. It's hard to believe that we have been here for 3 years already and it is where we call home. So I am going to try and enjoy every last minute we have here with, who I consider, our Washington family. We are looking for houses in the Metamora/ Germantown area so keep your eyes out and we can't wait to be back! We will let you know when we get an official move date.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Dane's Dr appt
Dane had his 9 month check up today and everything looks great. He weighs 18.9 lbs and is 28 inches long. He is actually on the smaller side of the growth chart (around 31 percentile) but that's OK.
While we were waiting for the Dr to come in, Matt was entertaining Mia. He asked her if the picture was a picture of Oswald ( a cartoon that she loves to watch). Mia informed him that that wasn't Oswald, it was an octopus! Now mind you, Oswald is an octopus but Mia wasn't going to fall for this other one. I didn't even realize she could say octopus!
While we were waiting for the Dr to come in, Matt was entertaining Mia. He asked her if the picture was a picture of Oswald ( a cartoon that she loves to watch). Mia informed him that that wasn't Oswald, it was an octopus! Now mind you, Oswald is an octopus but Mia wasn't going to fall for this other one. I didn't even realize she could say octopus!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
my big girl!
Last night, after dinner Mia showed me what a big girl she is getting to be. Over the last week or so we have been trying to teach her a little responsibility around the house. I figure it's never too early to start. So Matt or I will have her clear part of the dishes or help set the table. Matt called right as we were finishing dinner and while I was talking to him Mia cleared all of her dishes and even put her silverware into the dishwasher! Without even being asked!! It was just one of those moments when you realize how much kids are really capable of doing. Mia also likes to get out a spoon for her and a spoon for me each morning. She puts it at my spot on the table and as soon as I come out to eat my cereal she says, "Mommy, I got your spoon for you!" It's such a nice way to start the day.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Mia learned a new word today!
She might not say it quite right but it's just too cute... Quesa-daddy!
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